

Every wound will shape me. Every scar will build my throne! ~ Lyrics (Bring Me The Horizon – Throne)

He pushed the double wooden doors wide open, and stepped inside what was his sanctuary. Geared up in a fitted dri-fit black tank top and black shorts, his laced trainers rubbed against the concert floor as he strode in.

By no means would a home gym be considered a place of relaxation. But for him, after the day he had had, it was. He retreated to the state of the art expansive workout space in the corner of his home to get away from the distractions of his business empire and the outside world. 

He found his shoulders stiffen slightly, his body tautening at what he was about to put himself through for the next couple of hours. A much needed intense routine he had built into his schedule. Not just today, but everyday. 

His escape away from the realities of life. A mangled up life that had wrecked his world. Not once but twice.


He clenched his jaw in an effort to push away the haunting images of his so-called perfect world shattering into pieces. But they were determined to stay with him, scorched into his dark empty soul. 

Why wouldn’t they?

After all, he was responsible for where he stood today.


He shouted, violently shaking his head. That wasn’t the case. He refused to pay heed to the excruciating thoughts that he had convinced himself to believe. Yes, he was to blame but not fully. As they say, it takes two to tango. 

That was the tragedy of love. His love. His relationship. His marriage. His children. His daughter.

For as long as he could remember he had been boxed into a world that had been predestined for him. From his childhood to adulthood. From his education to a life partner. Though, he had never complained, openly embracing it, working hard his entire life to rightfully fit into those boxed compartments. 

Through the years he had proven himself by growing their business alongside his father, and continuing to do so after he was gone. It was his vision that had allowed his company to expand globally and broaden their reach in the marketplace overtaking his competitors the likes of which no one had ever seen before. 

While he had been highly successful career wise, his personal life had been a clusterfuck. At almost fifty years old, he now had two failed marriages under his belt. 

His first marriage was doomed from the start, he had been young and his wife even younger. She had only married him due to family pressure. Then, the second time around, his relationship with his second wife had started out as a fling, until she became pregnant. And, he had done the right thing, taking accountability by getting married again for the sake of his unborn child. 

Like everything else in his life, he had gone into both marriages with a positive mindset, taking it as a challenge to make the relationship work. He had to. And, he had, or at least he thought he had by giving himself completely to the world they had built. Only to have it rip him apart. By both women.

Where had he gone wrong?

As he stretched his muscles, a part of his daily routine, he also stretched his perceptions along with looking for answers. His body and soul needed it. But coming up short once again at being left with nothing, he slammed his hand against his chest.

“Down boy, we haven’t even begun.”

He turned to find an attractive woman with the leanest body, sculpted in a violet halter crop top, and black capri leggings. His personal trainer’s infectious smile instinctively made him smile inwardly before he responded to her.

“Don’t know what you’re talking about. I started warm ups,” He glanced up at the clock on the grey brick wall, “Fifteen minutes ago. What are you even doing here anyway? I wasn’t expecting you today.”

She raised her eyebrow, then stated the obvious, “It’s Thursday, did you forget that I’m always here. Wait, unless you want to be on your own, I can always leave…” She motioned to the door, but he shook his head at the realization that he had forgotten their weekly standing session with his earlier mounting tensions. “You might think I move at a snail’s pace, but I’m always here on time, but looks like you’re accusing me of being late?” She walked over to the lined cabinets, housing exercise gear, and began to take out some of the equipment they would be using.

“Would I dare?” He allowed a smirk to tug at the corner of his lips, “After all, I do want to be able to walk after our session is over. I’ve got a dinner date tonight.” He winked, teasingly.

He didn’t fail to notice her smile fade, which wasn’t his intention as she looked away from him. The woman had become a friend, a confidante over the years, and the last thing he wanted was to be responsible for chasing her smile away. For her sake, and his, he needed it to return.

“Dinner with my baby girl,” He clarified his plans, then elaborated further, “After separating from my wife, I am not ready to jump on the dating train. I don’t have the time nor the inclination to figure out women and deal with their drama. No, thank you.”

“Just because you’ve had to deal with a bit…” She stopped herself from saying anything further, given that he was a client, but he had no qualms completing it for her. 

He smiled, “A bitch? No need to hold back, it is what it is. And, it’s quite apt.”

She nodded, aware of his history with women, specifically his wife, who she had met many times. 

“You know not all women are like her.”

He didn’t say anything, nor did she expect him to with their views clashing on the topic on numerous occasions.

Instead they started off with a crossfit training workout. One where he had pushed himself with high-intensity functional movements to a point where his knees almost gave in. But he continued to follow her lead through the various interval training.

“Only thirty minutes in, and you’re ready to throw in the towel.” She scowled as he slowed down, while she continued to move with ease and fluidity that left him in wonder at how she made it look so easy.

Even when they shifted to lifting weights moments later, she pushed him with every set increasing the weight. Normally, this was simple for him, his expertise had often left her surprised at his discipline and strength. But today he found his brain and body not cooperating, causing one of the fifty pound dumbbells to slip out of his hand, missing his feet by an inch.

“Fucking, concentrate!” She yelled, easily picking up the handheld weight then walked it over to the weight stand. “Where the bloody hell is your attention today? Not here, that’s for sure.” She threw him a towel to wipe the sweat covering his body, giving him a few minutes to rest.

He grunted, catching the towel, then wiped the dripping sweat off of his face and toned arms. Hearing the message alert on his phone go off, he took a step towards the table where he had placed it earlier. But, she grabbed his wrist, and stopped him.

“No phones, that’s the rule. When you’re in here, it’s only you and me. Understood.”

Raising his hands in defeat, he nodded, then asked. “What’s next?”

“Perhaps we need something to take the edge off, I can see that you’re tense. But, first, we need some protection.” She gave him an audacious smile, raising the towel from her hand to wipe the sweat covering his forehead.

They were close, and he had expected her to make the first move to get closer to him. There was no hiding the physical attraction. He wasn’t a fool to not notice how beautiful she was. And, she never shied away from speaking her mind about him. 

Unlike the many women that wasted no time falling in his arms, she remained professional as she threw him the rolled hand wrap, and grabbed one for herself.

“Ready to put on your boxing gloves to let out your frustration?”

“Perfect, the punching bag can serve as my soon to be ex-wife.”

She laughed as did he, beginning the process of wrapping their hands. Unanimously, they placed their thumb through the hole at the end of the wrap, then started by wrapping the wrist, then diagonally wrapping from the inside of the wrist to the outside of the hand until it was fully wrapped then secured. 

As he was about to grab a pair of boxing gloves, a familiar message tone went off from his phone. Not once, but several times. Every part of him told him to ignore it, but he made the mistake by ignoring the no phone rule, sneaking in a peek at the lit screen.

“I’m sorry, I need to see you…”

“You can’t ignore me forever.”

“Think about our children.”

“Call me, please. I love you.”

The last three words on the message had been his boiling point as he silenced his phone. 

Love had been a mere facade between them. If she had loved him the way he loved her, then she wouldn’t have hurt him or his daughter. The anguish inside him grew, singeing his veins, his heart. There wasn’t anything left to save in their marriage, not in his eyes with how he had been betrayed. 

He knew what they were, and he now knew what they weren’t. 

The fury rose rapidly inside of him, as he slipped on the gloves, getting into attack mode. He assumed his position in front of the stuffed heavy duty bag suspended from the ceiling on chain links.

Without a signal from his trainer, holding the bag, he attacked it over and over again. His breathing erratic, his hands trembling from the workout. 

“Hit the bag, don’t push it by taking the easy way out!” She barked at him after having enough of his triade. “And, fix your footwork. These bad habits aren’t going to get you far.”

He glared with hands up near his face, eyeing her ferally out of spite for being disciplined. It was as if she was daring him to go against her, and he did by pushing the bag at her after a series of snap punches. Some good, but most weren’t coordinated. He knew it, but he wasn’t going to admit it. 

She wasn’t pleased, shoving the bag back at him, making him lose his balance. She came charging at him, tackling him to the ground, and straddled him.

“Mind over matter, stop fucking around. She’s not worth it!” 

With his body strength, he could have easily flipped her, but he made no attempts to move. 

“And, you are,” A statement that came out as a question from him, as she stared down at him. It was her that broke the staring game, getting back on her feet, then extended her hand and helped him up, as she always did when he wasn’t mentally there. 

“Come on my Silver Fox, enough with the wallowing. Let’s get you back to your confident, arrogant, hot as fuck self again. The way I like you.”

She was right. His workouts were meant to work out the issues in his life. Get him back in line, ground him. Whether it be professionally or personally. There was something in being in the moment, allowing him to clear his mind, and look at things differently. And, today would be no different.

I couldn’t help but write this short oneshot for my dear friend, @kerriik, who is celebrating her birthday today! Those of you that read my stories and comment, might know her as she often hits the like button on everyone’s comments. And, if you’re reading Listed, then you’ll know the inspiration for this OS 😉 

Wishing you the happiest birthday my Ker Ker! You are one of the brightest and sweetest people I know. Always stay the way you are, my ride till we die, forever and always! Love you loads and loads, Babe!

177 thoughts on “Boxed

  1. Happy Happy Birthday, darling Kerri! 😘

    For you 🤗

    She walks in beauty, lighting up the blog
    With her love of Oceans and Silver Foxes;
    And all that’s best of charm and warmth
    Meet in her words and in her hugs n kisses;
    Thus imbuing this virtual space
    With sprinkles of cheer n smiles in abundance.

    Liberally borrowed from one of my favourite poems of Lord Byron! Although, apt that I do so for one of my favourite people here in the virtual world ❤️

    Hope you have a wonderful day! Sending you lots of love and hugs and kisses.

    Jigs, this was such a lovely treat <3 You have written a very fascinating character in NK and it was wonderful getting an insight into his thoughts. The honesty with which he introspects speaks volumes of the sort of person he is.
    Life has boxed him in two dark corners, but I’m sure he’ll come out fighting from this one as he did from the first. With his boxing gloves held aloft for protecting all his three kids.
    PS – I loved the detailing you had here of his exercise regime!

    1. Omg my baby Ruchi, I love it and I love you… Gosh I’m feeling so extra special today with this beautiful poem… Thank you my darling❤❤❤😘😘😘🤗🤗🤗😁😁😁

    2. A lovely poem for our lovely girl ❤️

      Now only if I could follow through with being disciplined myself with the exercise regime I outlined 🤦🏻‍♀️ but my lazy bum has no energy 😂

    3. Lord Byron 😬
      Silver Fox has been boxed into situations in life, be it professional or personal
      But pity the man with such integrity having zero luck in women
      That ‘s why God chose Jigs ji to deliver that one truly amazing sensitive, smart , loving partner for NK
      So take a bow ,enjoy the boon bestowed on you, dearest darling ker ker
      You are not only hot , but can make your future husband where you want him
      ( all I meant was the strenuous exercise regime , don’t go gutter on new year’s)
      Enjoy your bday with joy & happiness
      What a way to end the year
      Waiting for the invite to your union
      As they say third time ‘s the charm
      Jigs ji can we expect a sequel to Listed with these two ?
      Wishing everyone here a great year ahead
      Cheers 🍻

      1. Unfortunately
        my comment was eaten up
        This is how it starts

        My dear Ruchi ,
        Didn’t know you were Lord Byron 😬
        Scroll above for the rest

        Thx 🙏

    1. Happy Birthday Kerrikji🎊🎊🎉🎉🎂🎁 may god bless u with lots of laughter & good health.

      Jigsji thank u so much for finally giving NK, a woman strong yet gentle, smart yet loving, coz if anyone deserves love than that is NK. Best thing in 2020, Mahini being soon to b ex wife👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼. I m still wondering why d name is kept secret 😉.. i loved this gentle attraction which is oozing hotness yet a mutual understanding & respect for each other. Hope to this ishq in main story too..

    2. My Darling Jigs this is the bestest gift ever! You sure did put a big cheshire cat smile on my face. Believe me when I say that I was just thinking about Listed and saying to myself how kool it would have been if you posted on my birthday and just as the thought cross my mind you posted lol. You never disappoint… Always aim to please❤❤❤🤗🤗🤗😘😘😘.

      “At the end of the day, the only person we can control is ourselves. It is not in our job description as humans to control another person, and we certainly don’t have the capability of controlling the events around us. Once you realize this and understand it, you will find peace. Control your emotions. Don’t let them control you.”

      It was so nice to hear my Silver Fox POV. I know my baby is going through some rough time, so I love that he has the gym as an outlet to just let it all out.

      This selfless man has given his all to two selfish ungrateful B who took his love for granted but now he’s taking charge of his life and I love that. It’s not gana be easy but I know he’ll get through this soon.

      And hello to you miss trainer aka “Me”👀😉😏🤣 I see you. … I love your energy and vibes… You seems down to earth, you take no bull shit and you got a potty mouth just like mine🤣🤣🤣🤣… I see myself in you, so you’ll do. You have the hots for him, right? Yup that’s my NK you’re admiring… No one can resist his fine ass self😍🤤🔥. He might be close off now but eventually he’ll come around, so don’t give up on him, but let me warn you if you ever hurt my man there will be hell to pay got it☺. It was nice meeting you and I guess I’ll be seeing more of you in the future😉.

      Thank you my hunnybunnie darling sweetie pie for dedicating this beautiful OS staring my Silver Fox to me on my special day!!! I can’t stop saying how much I appreciate you for this… I love you and until next time please stay safe, keep warm and take care❤❤❤😍😍😍😘😘😘😁😁😁.

      1. I love your passion and how invested you become with these characters which is a reward in itself then to have your friendship and love what more can I ask for. It was my pleasure to show you my love and appreciation, you deserve this and more for being with me from my first story! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

      1. Sorry Sweetie, WP is acting up today like a bitch! The comment went to the spam folder, it should show up now 😘🤗

    1. Not more than I love and appreciate you for always being here with me from my first story! You are one of a kind my Ker Ker! Happy Birthday! ❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗😘😘😘😘😘

      1. OMFG😩🤤😍😋 is that my Zaddy 👀😏😛😛🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😏🔥🔥🔥… Ok ok 👐🏻 Deep breaths.. I’m getting a hold of my self whew😥. Best Freaking Birthday Indeed😉😉😉.

        You don’t know how much this means to me babe. I’m really grateful to be here getting all these wonderful bday wishes from all my favorite girls. Thank you Jigs for making this day beautiful and special for me. There’s never a dull moment with you and all my girls. I love and appreciate it so much and I love you. Thank you again🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗😗😗😗😗😗😗😗😗😗😗😗😗❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤.

    1. For a moment, I thought you’ll be gifting K her silverfox in this OS. 😂😂

      What a lovely and aptly deserved piece on NK! Loved how you mentioned his chaotic mindset, the (in)coordination in his workout, with the thick yet subtle tension between him and his trainer (I’m assuming that’s K😂).
      I really hope NK gets his due share of happiness one day. He’s an amazing person and more so a wonderful father. If I’ve not mentioned this before, I love this father-kids bonding in Listed. <3

  2. Happy Birthday Kerri!!

    Jigs, it’s a lovely one shot giving us a glimpse of turmoil NK is dealing with currently. We knew he disappeared for a while but obviously he is still battling and glad he has his fitness trainer and inspirer to cheer him up and bring his charm back up 😉. Let’s hope third time is the charm 😎.

  3. Loved the one shot, an insight into NK. Happy birthday Kerriik, may you receive what your heart desires.

  4. OK, so yet another case of WP gobbling up my comment. And seems like I did not learn my lesson well the last time. Typing my comment again:

    Dear Kerrik,

    Wish you many many happy returns of the day. May you have a great day and year ahead! Loads of love and hugs.

    Jigs dear – aap ke dimaag ka kya kehna. First, what a wonderful surprise (I wasn’t even checking my emails until now, and caught on to a notification from you), and second, what a premise to build up on. Our favorite man from Listed – NK. Thanks to Kerrik, we were all boxed and punched today. In a super happy way!

    We got to see that elusive romance in NK’s life finally. Even if there were traces of his bitter past rearing their ugly head on and off. The nameless ladki had him firmly grounded. NK seems to have found his boxing mate after the last two warring partners. Insinuations galore from the ladki in question. Loved every bit of it… “We need protection” to “Just the way I like you”.

    Mazaa aa gaya Jigs. Thank you so much!

    Here’s something for all the NK-diwaani’s

  5. Happy Birthday, Kerriik! Hope you have a wonderful year ahead filled with love and laughter!🤗🎂

    And thanks for your love for NK that we got this amazing part!

    Jigs, this was beautiful. I loved it! Though this day may still be a little far in the actual story, it felt wonderful to know Mahini will be out of his life for good! Hope she doesn’t get a penny of his wealth in divorce, and she’ll learn real fast to not look down on people who aren’t as fortunate. But never mind her. There will be another time for that. For now, will focus on the fiery trainer! Third time’s the charm, right? After the luck he’s had with women, she’s exactly what he needs. Honest, blunt, confident, and sexy! A perfect match. Hope she makes reappearance in the actual story when the dust settles.

    Thanks for this lovely surprise!

  6. Oh no…either WP doesn’t trust my comment, or it really didn’t get posted. Trying again.

    Happy Birthday, Kerriik! Hope you have a wonderful year ahead filled with love and laughter!🤗🎂

    And thanks for your love for NK that we got this amazing part!

    Jigs, this was beautiful. I loved it! Though this day may still be a little far in the actual story, it felt wonderful to know Mahini will be out of his life for good! Hope she doesn’t get a penny of his wealth in divorce and she’ll learn real fast to not look down on people who aren’t as wealthy. But never mind her. There will be another time for that. For now, will focus on the fiery trainer! Third time’s the charm, right? After the luck he’s had with women, she’s exactly what he needs. Honest, blunt, confident, and sexy! A perfect match! Hope she makes a reappearance in the actual story! Thanks for this wonderful surprise, Jigs! And Happy birthday once again, Kerriik! 🙂

  7. Happy Birthday Kerrik 🎂🎈
    Have a wonderful day and a great year ahead!

    Jigs, nice OS
    Poor NK, feel sorry for him

  8. A very Happy Birthday Kerrik! 🎂🥂 Wishing you an amazing day and a blessed year ahead! 🤗😘
    Jigs, thank you for this delightful “boxed” gift on Kerrik’s special day. ❤️
    A peek into the candid inner workings of NK’s mind made an interesting read. This suave Silver Fox has been unlucky in love thus far, but I think he has finally found his match in his beautiful, feisty personal trainer. As they say third time’s the charm! 😉

  9. Wishing you a very Happiest Birthday Kerrik. Have a fantastic year ahead filled with happiness and Joy and great health.

    Loved the one shot jigs.
    Got an insight of NK’s thoughts about his turmoil which he is undergoing regarding his marriages. Wish to have this in the main plot. Wanting to see Mahini out of his life. Loved the trainer who is blunt, honest and confident. She is what he needs at present who can see for who he is and keep him grounded understanding him better than any other women who came in his life.


      1. Thanks for this lovely OS . An insight into NK’s thoughts .
        I am sure this woman will bring the warmth and care that NK failed in getting from his ex’s .

        Wish you happy Birthday K ❤
        Hope you have wonderful year ahead .

  10. A one-shot focusing just on NK! I loved it. That man is getting finer with age. Shetty should be thanking you for increasing his fan following. I absolutely love him in NK’s role. All his earlier performances have been washed away for me 😁

    So who is this new lady in NK’s life? If she is referring to Naagin with the b word, I like her already.
    NK is already on the road to end his second marriage. He may not be ready for a relationship for a long long time. But this woman seems to understand him and everything that’s going on with him. Maybe she is “the one” who is able to unbox him? Doesn’t hurt to be an optimist 😉

    1. You should me and how I perk up with SS posts a picture on insta, and all I could think of is NK! The man has definitely sparked something and I couldn’t imagine anyone else for NK 😍

      Oh I love the optimism, we surely need it after the year we had to go through! 🤗❤️

    2. Dear G
      You need to reread our last conversation
      about @kerriik
      for better understanding 😬😘of who ‘ this one ‘ is ?

  11. Happy birthday Kerriik. Wishing you a great day .

    So very well written Jigs. NK sure has had a bad deal as far as both the women in his life are concerned. But he is mentally strong and will bounce back for his kids whom he loves very much.
    I like his trainer and her sassy comments

  12. Happy birthday dear Kerri! Hope you enjoyed your special day!
    Jigs this is a lovely treat for us readers to peek into the innermost sanctum of NK! So much angst. Who is this lovely trainer who has made a permanent impact on him? Hope Listed will shed some light😄

  13. Happy birthday dear kerriik! Have a wonderful day!

    The shot is nice, but would love to know who the trainer is Jigs.
    She is a good match for Arnav at 50. 2 hours of intense routine for Arnav and his trainer seems to be spending few lots of 2 hours in the Gym. She must be one hell of a lean, strong and beautiful girl.
    Is it by any chance a teaser for Listed? NK deserves love. He is only just 50.
    Loved the shot.

      1. For some reason I thought this OS is about Arnav inspired by NK from Listed. Thank you G for pointing this out.
        Jigs sorry about the mix up.

  14. Happy Birthday kerriik . I don’t know what the issue … You may find lot of my wishes there and here . This page was not opening in browser and then not showing the comments. May you have a great year ahead
    Dear jigs you will find some nuisance in comment section too… sorry🙆‍♂️

    1. No need to be sorry Gayathri, the blog has had issues with the comments going into the spam folder. Thank you for your patience 🤗

  15. Happy birthday dear kerri May this new year brings more happiness in your life your birthday gift from jigs was also a treat for us throughly enjoyed this one shot and i think no one could be better than Shilpa Shetty as a trainer.

  16. Happy birthday dear Kerrik and God bless for always being the fabulous person you are! A fantastic tribute from Jigs indeed and a lovely story it is too! Cheers to you and a great year ahead!💕🎊🎈



  17. Happy birthday Karri…
    Have lovely wonderful day…
    What treat from dear Jigs…
    we All can share…
    always giving Her best….

    Loved this OS….
    Drooling over ‘Silver Fox’….
    This relationship has the in between the lines…
    NK’s thoughts…She is steadfast positive, while I am a slow starter..’…
    Opening the window…flipping the light on…letting that gust of wind…
    blowing away the cobwebs…
    Let’s turn the page …ink in the new chapter….🖋📖
    That arm of friendship nudging towards positive steps…
    Gone should be those morbid thoughts…
    ‘Piglet holding Pooh’s hand…be sure of their silent friendship’…
    A A Miles. The House at Pooh’s corner…

    Once again Jigs what a friend You are…👏🏼
    Letting all Your readers have a peek into this interesting OS..

    saffron’s Ramblings 🐏

  18. Happy birthday , Kerriik ..
    Thanx for liking my comments quite often 😀
    May Almighty bless you with everything you want in your life !!!

    Thanx for writing this OS..
    NK deserves true love ..
    I hope u introduce this new entry in LISTED..

  19. Happy birthday Kerri 🎂🎉
    This OS ga3 me hope that NK is divorcing Mahini finally 😄 I wanna know more about the trainer ..her name first 😄

  20. Belated greetings @kerriik! . 🙈🙈 Hoping you had a great one!

    Jigs… Took me a while to realise this was NK all along. Somehow I’m tuned to ArShi and so I pictured a 50 year old Arnav and a sexy as fuck 45 year old Khushi. 🙈🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ I feel like hitting myself. 🙈🙈

    But, wow. NK on point. Beautiful man! Brilliant OS. I wish it never ended. ❤️

    Cheers and wishing you all a very happy and prosperous new year. Wishing you health and happiness. ❤️😘

    1. Hi jp,
      Belated happy new year
      We all know how the realtor lover boy is anti marriage 🥺
      The OS starts with a 50 yr old hitting the gym, reminiscing about his two marriages gone wrong
      Need I say more ?
      Silver fox deserves a happy ending

    1. Belated happy birthday Kerrik…Stay blessed. ..It is NK…Finally there is somebody who cares for him and his health and not his wealth..Lovely OS .Jigs you boxed it and we all loved it. Take care and be safe

  21. Belated happy birthday Kerriik! I hope you had a wonderful birthday!! Thank you for sharing this short OS with us Jigs, I wish you would continue this!

  22. Happy Birthday Kerriik…May you stay blessed with love good health and happiness.
    Happy New Year to you, Jigs and all the readers in this platform.
    Jigs, this was wonderful OS. I loved it.

  23. Belated Happy Birthday Kerrik!! 🎂🤗. Wishing you the Best in all Walks of Life to your heart’s desire 💐.

    Lovely OS Jigs, NK’s Life story, a man who loved everyone with his everything and would have loved
    to have feelings returned. Unfortunate he was cheated on the personal front and robbed of his little Girl’s love & life as well. Luckily he is getting his little baby girl back in his life.

  24. extremely sorry for this late wish…. very happy birthday dear have a health happy year ahead …

    oh man this OS itself is a spinoff .. i m getting ideas abt how it wil b so amzing for NK to finally finally have a woman worthy… NK is among very few men who actually go beyond anything for thr family even when thy have bitches in thr account… so Mahini is getting wht she deserves n i hope NK wht he … i loved this sexy lady n im having so much fun jst imaging ASR n his talks regarding this ..lolzz.. who will b calling whom lover boy

  25. Happy new year Jigs and everyone on this forum! Hope 2021 proves to be a safer and better year for everyone…
    Love the one shot… NK just seems to have been so unfortunate in terms of relationships… A man with all the money and success, wonderful children and yet a lonely man at the end of it all.
    The one shot gives us a hope for NK…

  26. Happy belated birthday kerriik, hope you get to celebrate this amazing year with your loved ones.

    Ah jigs just saw this update, Nk needs someone like the trainer in his life, maybe now he can finally fall in love with the right partner.

  27. I want to invite you to our site, I know you will regret it and not be bored. thank you and I hope you enjoy it.

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    (더킹카지노, 샌즈카지노, 퍼스트카지노, 더존카지노, 코인카지노, 예스카지노, 슈퍼카지노, 33카지노, 메리트카지노, 더온카지노)
    우리카지노 ACE21에서 자신있게 추천드립니다!! 막강한 자본력으로 카지노업계의 선두주자가 된 우리계열 카지노 업체를 소개합니다!

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